
What does someone do when the person who is supposed to protect them for the rest of their life, slowly builds them up to break them apart. Trauma is hereditary, passed like a baton from generation to generation, slowly dwindling each offsprings mental sanity and wellbeing. Generational trauma is a real and painful thing that is hardly ever acknowledged. It is like a cycle of constant toxicity and abuse. There are many examples of generational trauma presented most often in families of immigrants but it isnt limited to that. Talking to some of my friends I got to understand the different perspectives and sides to generational trauma. One of my friends mentioned the fact that her grandmother used to mentally and emotionally abuse her mother so much, to the point that it was torture. Her mother deliberately used to try to not do the same to her but ended up being worse. The abused becomes the abuser. Another one of my friend’s dad used to get beat, as a way of discipline. Naturally, he did the same to his kids. Looking at all of my friend’s reality I wonder if they ever blame their parents. Most of them have said that they miss the people they thought their mothers and fathers were. When we were children, we adored our parents so much that we got blindsided. Growing up, once we see the aftermath of their actions affecting our mental health, it's hard to completely blame them. It’s their first time going through life too, yes I agree with that, but there are some things that parents do that are unimaginable. There is a saying, that all kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids. The reason that this topic is being written in a vague tone is because every human’s experience differs and corresponds at the same time. What I can talk about however is the mental effects of generational trauma. Each word, each hit leaves a mark forever imprinted on a child's mind. Every poisoned look, every word stays, and gets tucked away in the back of one’s memory. Forever frozen but never forgotten. 



