
The concept of loneliness has existed since the dawn of time, but mere aspects of it were discovered and studied only in the earlier days. For example, psychiatry discovered loneliness in 1959 in an essay written by a German analyst, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann. In her essay, she wrote, “Loneliness seems to be such a painful, frightening experience that people will do practically everything to avoid it.” How many people feel lonely every day? Feel like the only person in the world going through something terrible? The answer is, almost everyone. Quite literally every human being has felt lonely at one point in their life, there are just some who have never had that feeling pass. Some people actually prefer to be alone. They believe that they can gather their thoughts and emotions better this way. But there are times when you’re just laying in your bed and a tsunami of emotions drowns you, and when the waves wash back, you feel so utterly alone. The matter of fact with loneliness is that it becomes overall so exhausting. That exhaustion makes people turn to isolation, and just shutting themself off as they wait for someone to notice that they are gone. A friend I spoke to mentioned how it wasn't necessarily the feeling that you have no one, but instead the fact that no one has you.  Desolation is manufactured, in a museum that is a human’s mind, solitude becomes the main portrait. The thing is even when you get out of the hole that is loneliness, it never completely leaves you. But this is the time in which you learn the most about yourself. You never will realize your true potential until you have felt so utterly alone, and that is when your fear will decrease and you will understand who you truly are. 



