
The depth of the teenage mind is something that varies through each person. There are many reasons most of us do the things we do. Our actions are reflected in the environment we are in, at least most of the time. There is a saying: “You give the love you wish to receive.” I’d like to add a different perspective to that line. You wrong yourself the way that others have wronged you. In lieu of that line, most people harm themselves because they think they deserve it. Something in their subconscious mind is telling them that they need to constantly hurt themselves due to the mental trauma that they are suffering. On the other hand, hurting themselves doesn't necessarily mean actually cutting with that silver pencil. It can be tons of other things. Picking your skin or your hair. Digging your nails into your skin so hard that they leave a mark and so many others. People may do this because they need an outlet to relieve their stress and anxiety, but as I mentioned before, others do it because they feel like they deserve it. They may harm themselves so that they feel something, other than the mental turmoil that they are going through, or the utter numbness that plagues them.

Teenagers may also do this because they feel like they have no other choice. That there is no one to talk to or you don't want to burden others with the complexity of your emotions, so you drown without anyone noticing. The overarching question stands how does one stop? Stop punishing themselves for the faults of the world. Here's the thing: You just do. You set a mindset saying that “ I won't hurt myself due to the actions of others, me, or society.” Then, you cope. Whenever you feel like harming yourself, you do something else to distract your time, paint, draw, sing, scream. Anything else Though that adrenaline and rush that used to come before, won't again, you stop. Whenever you’re piercing your nails into your skin or picking at every part of your body, you proactively force yourself to stop. It’ll be hard, but you have to. Because you cannot punish yourself, and no matter what, someone in each corner of the world is feeling exactly like you are right now. Yes, everyone has heard the constant reminder slogans saying “ You are not alone” or “We need you here,” but those have been said so much, their true meaning has gotten lost. In the whole cosmic galaxy, you aren’t the only one going through this. It may feel as if you are, but you aren’t. 



